User Agreement

Last modified: 24.10.2023

1. General provisions

1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter – «Agreement») sets out the terms of use of the learning platform available at (hereinafter – "Platform"), defines the rights and obligations of the Lancelot Development Ltd. (hereinafter - "Operator"), as well as the rights and obligations of the User.
1.2. The Agreement is a written public offer addressed to individuals who have reached the age of fourteen (hereinafter - "Users", and in the singular – "User") and defines the conditions for Users to join the Agreement without limiting the time for acceptance. At the same time, the Operator is entitled to withdraw this offer at any time with notification of the withdrawal of the offer at least 7 calendar days before the date of withdrawal.
1.3. Acceptance of the offer is carried out by one of the following conclusive actions: User registration on the Platform, 100% payment for any Services on the Platform and/or on the Operator's partner sites. Acceptance of the offer must be made before the date of withdrawal of the offer.
1.4. By using this Platform, the User agrees to be bind by this Agreement. In case of disagreement with any clause of this Agreement, the User must immediately stop using the Platform.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. Authorization – confirmation by the User of registration information (phone number and / or a unique combination of email address and password) to access the Personal Account created by the results of the User's Registration on the Platform.
2.2. Access – the technical ability of using certain Learning Materials through your Personal Account for a certain period of time. Types of Access and description of the Learning Materials related to each kind of types of Access are described on the Platform.
2.3. Personal Account (Account) – a User's account that is accessible via the Platform and allows the User to use the Operator's Services in accordance with this Agreement.
2.4. User – an individual who has reached the age permitted by the applicable legislation for accepting the terms of this Agreement and has accepted it in unconditionally and in full by registration on the Platform, fulfilling the terms of the Agreement or other conclusive actions.
2.5. User Registration– the User specifies their personal data (phone number, email address, and password) on the Platform to create a Personal Account.
2.6. Platform – the Operator's official website available at, and any subdomain names.
2.7. Services – information services provided by the Operator or third parties engaged by it through the Platform in the form of providing access to Learning Materials selected by the User;
2.8. Learning materials - a set of results of intellectual activity (including audiovisual works, video collections, homework assignments, text, graphic materials, software tools, and any other materials), information and other materials that make up the content of Services. The Right Holder of the exclusive right to Learning Materials available on the Platform is the Operator or its licensors.

3. License to Use

3.1. The Operator grants the User a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Platform content, with the exception of Learning Materials provided on a paid basis, only within the framework of the Platform functionality on the territory of all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. use the Platform for its intended functional purpose to receive Services;
3.1.2. reproduce and distribute Content from the Platform for non-commercial purposes (for purposes not related to profit-making).
3.2. To use the Platform, the User shall register an Account with the Platform in accordance with Clause 4 of the Agreement.
3.3. The Agreement shall enter into force on the date the User accepts the offer.
3.4. Except for use to the extent and in the manner expressly provided by the Agreement, the User shall not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and make with the source or object code of the Platform any other actions aimed at obtaining information about the algorithms used on the Platform; extract data from the database; create derivative works using the Platform or the database; as well as perform (allow to perform) other use of the Platform or the database, any of their components, as well as the data stored by the Platform on the User's device without the written consent of the Operator.
3.5. Any extraction, copying, reproduction, processing of, distribution, making publicly available on the Internet of data, databases, Platform content, Learning materials, or any use in third-party programs and services, mass media and/or for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Operator or other Right Holder is strictly prohibited, except as expressly provided for in the Agreement.
3.6. Learning materials available on the Platform may contain technological measures of copyright protection that provide protection against unauthorized use and instruments of identification of the person who has committed actions that are expressly prohibited by this Agreement.
3.7. Te User shall not have the right to retransmit video materials in full or in part to third-party users by any means of communication, webcam, Internet conference, video recording from the screen, recording on a voice recorder or other copying methods, as well as transmitting video materials or other Learning Materials.
3.8. The User has no right to use the provided Learning Materials and any parts thereof for commercial purposes.

4. User Registration

4.1. In order to use the Services, the User shall pass the registration procedure and create a Personal Account. To further use the functions of the Platform, the User shall pass the Authorization procedure.
4.2. To register on the Platform, the User shall enter the requested data in a special registration tab, read the Agreement, and confirm his\her\its consent to it by clicking the "Register" button. These actions constitute an acceptance of this offer.
4.3. By Registration each User represents and warrants to the Operator that the information provided by the User is authentic, exact, correct and actual. The User shall keep this information up to date. If the User provides the incorrect information or the Operator has the reasons to believe that the information provided by the User is incorrect, the Operator has the right to block the User's Personal Account at his own discretion and to refuse the User in using the Platform (or some Services available on the Platform).
4.4. User information contained in the User's Personal Account is stored and processed by the Operator in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy available on the Platform.
4.5. The User must immediately notify the Operator of any case of unauthorized (not permitted by the User) access to the Platform using the User's Personal Account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of confidentiality of his means of access to the User's Personal Account.
4.6. If the User intends to delete the Account, the User shall send application for refusal to perform the Agreement in a free form to the Operator's email available on the Platform.
4.7. Failure to perform the Agreement or termination of the Agreement will result in the deletion of the relevant Account and termination of the Operator's obligations under the Agreement and other related documents.

5. Services and Access

5.1. Despite the fact that the Platform is provided to the User free of charge, the Operator reserves the right to provide Access to certain Learning Materials to the User on a paid basis. The Cost of such Access is published on the page of particular Service at the Platform.
5.2. The User shall make an advance payment in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the total cost of Access.
5.3. Payment for Access shall be made by wire transfer or by other payment method permitted by law and accepted by the Operator or its partners. The choice and use of the payment method shall be made by the User at his\her\its own discretion. Security, confidentiality, and other terms of use of the payment method chosen by the User are outside the scope of this Agreement and shall be regulated by agreement (agreements) between the User and relevant financial institutions and/or partners of the Operator.
5.4. Access shall be considered as paid at the date when the Operator receives confirmation from the bank that the entire payment amount has been credited to the Operator's current account.
5.5. Operator`s obligation to provide paid Access to the User shall be considered fulfilled at the moment of activating such Access in User`s Personal Account.
5.6. The Services (Access) shall be deemed duly provided by the Operator and accepted by the User if within 3 (three) calendar days after the date specified in Clause 5.5. of this Agreement the User fail to provide motivated written objections to the Operator.
5.7. If provided by applicable law, the Operator shall send cash receipts (related to payment for Access, or refund of the payment), to the email address used by the User to register on the Platform.

6. Refund

6.1. The User is entitled to request a refund of the money paid for the Access without explanation within 3 (three) calendar days after full or partial payment, but before gaining Access to the Learning Materials.
6.2. The funds shall be returned to the User after deducting the Operator's expenses on receipt and return of funds, including bank commissions, according to the details from which the payment was made, within 20 (twenty) working days from the date of receipt by the Operator of the User's reasonable request which meets the requirements and criteria for funds return established in this Contract.
6.3. The date of refund of funds to the User is considered to be the date of debiting funds from the Operator's current account.
6.4. Upon receiving a User's request for a refund, the Operator is entitled to suspend (block) access to Learning Materials, social networks of the Operator, including various closed groups, forums and pages with restricted access, Personal Account, etc. during the time of checking of an availability of a right to refund.

7. Rights and obligations, representations and warranties of the User

7.1. Before acceptance of terms of this Agreement, the User shall read the full text of the Agreement.
7.2. The User shall not reproduce or distribute the Content from the Platform or the database or Learning Materials for commercial purposes (including for a fee). without the prior written consent of the Operator.
7.3. The User shall not change and/or delete the Operator`s name from the Platform or database, the copyright notice, or other references to the copyright holder from the Platform.
7.4. In case of any complaints or problems related to the use of the Platform, the User is entitled to contact the Operator by sending a message to the Operator's email address available on the Platform. The Operator reviews received complaints within 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of receipt of the corresponding User's message.
7.5. The User shall be responsible for maintaining control over the Account and ensure that any third parties cannot access the Account, as well as that any third parties cannot perform actions in the User's Account. Any actions performed in the Account after successful authorization are recognized as performed by the User personally.
7.6. The User represents and warrants that he\she\it is a legally capable person who has reached the age permitted by the applicable legislation to accept the terms of this Agreement, and if necessary, that the necessary consent of parents, guardians, and/or other legal representatives has been obtained to perform actions on accepting these terms of the Agreement.
7.7. The User shall:
7.7.1. Not attempt to co-operate or commit fraudulent activities with the help of the Platform or the software used;
7.7.2. Not attempt to copy, disassemble or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of the software used by the Platform in order to perform any actions, including fraudulent ones;
7.7.3. Not create an Account on the Platform if the User's Account was previously deleted or blocked by the Operator due to illegal actions performed by the User.
7.7.4. Not create an Account in the Platform if the User already has an Account in the Platform.
7.7.5. Not transfer your Account to third parties without the Operator's consent. The User undertakes not to use someone else's Account without the prior written consent of the Account owner and Operator.

8. Rights and obligations of the Operator

8.1. The Operator may:
8.1.1. at any time, change the design and user interface of the Platform, its content, the content of the Services provided, modify or supplement the software used for working with the Platform, providing Services, and other objects used or stored on the Platform, with or without notifying Users;
8.1.2. suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections of the Platform, Personal Account at any time without explanation, with or without prior notice, unless otherwise expressly provided for by applicable law;
8.1.3. delete the User's Account at its sole discretion, including if the User commits actions that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation (applicable law) or the provisions of this Agreement;
8.1.4. provide the User with Access for a fee under the conditions stipulated in this Agreement;
8.1.5. send advertising and information or news messages to the Users, including by e-mail, sms, messages on the Platform or by any other available means;
8.1.6. take measures that are not prohibited by law to protect operator`s own intellectual property rights in relation to the Platform and Learning Materials belonging to the Operator;
8.1.7. perform maintenance work with a temporary suspension of work with or without notifying the User. At the same time, the Operator shall notify the User about the planned technical work no later than 24 hours before the start of its implementation.
8.2. The Operator shall:
8.2.1. under the terms set forth in this Agreement, grant the User the rights to use the Platform within the limits set out in clause 3.1. of this Agreement, and provide paid Services (Access) under the terms of this Agreement;
8.2.2. notify the User by publishing information or sending messages to the Personal Account or in any other way available to the Operator about changes to the terms of this Agreement.
8.3. The failure of any Party hereto at any time to require the performance by any other Party hereto of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter, nor shall the waiver by any Party hereto of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision or a waiver of the provision itself or a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement.

9. Liability

10.1. The Platform is provided on "as is" basis.
10.2. The Operator does not provide the User with any explicit or implied warranties in relation to the Platform and the Services, including but not limited to: fitness for particular purposes, safety and security, accuracy, completeness, performance, system integration, uninterrupted functioning, absence of errors, correction of failures, absence of viruses, legality of use on any territories where User resides.
10.3. The Operator shall not be liable for:
10.3.1. the consequences of unauthorized use of the Platform that occurred through no fault of the Operator;
10.3.2. Security of User credentials for accessing the Personal Account;
10.3.3. unauthorized and/or unauthorized use by third parties of the User's credentials to access the Personal Account;
10.3.4. for direct or indirect damages incurred by the User as a result of errors, omissions, interruptions in work, changes in functions, defects, delays in work that occurred through no fault of the Operator.
10.4. The Learning Materials presented on the Platform do not constitute investment, financial, tax or other professional advice. The User shall contact an independent professional consultant, in case of any questions related to making any investment decisions.
10.5. The Operator is not responsible for any losses incurred by the User when using the Platform.
10.6. The User agrees to fully reimburse and protect the Operator, its directors, employees and partners from any costs, expenses, losses, claims, obligations, including legal costs and any other expenses, whatever the reasons may be caused, incurred in connection with the User's use of the Platform.
10.7. The User agrees to fully cover any claims, obligations, costs or expenses (including legal fees), as well as any other expenses that may arise as a result of the User's violation of the terms of the Agreement.
10.8. The Platform may contain information about third-party sites. The transition to any other Internet resource associated with the Platform is made by the User at his/her own risk. The Operator shall not be responsible for the accuracy of the information, data and statements made on third-party websites. The Operator provides the links to other websites for the User's convenience and it doesn't mean that the Operator approves the content of these websites or bears responsibility for them.
10.9. All questions and complaints related to the use/inability to use the Platform, unreliability of data, as well as possible violation of the legislation and/or rights of third parties, should be sent to the Operator's email address available on the Platform

11. Informational messages

11.3. By accepting the Agreement, the User gives his consent to receive newsletters from the Operator with the latest news, promotions, new offers, as well as promotional mailings, including news and offers of third parties via SMS, e-mail.

12. Miscellaneous

12.3. The Operator is entitled to make any changes to this Agreement, provided that the Operator shall notify the user of such changes by 3-days prior written notice. Such notice shall be sent to the User`s email address specified by the User during Registration. The User is considered to have accepted such changes if, after its entry into force, the User continues to use the Platform. The current version of the Agreement is always available at Platform
12.4. The material and procedural law of the St. Vincent and Grenadines shall apply to the Agreement and all relations related to the use of the Platform. The Parties agree that any claims or lawsuits related to the Agreement and the use of the Platform shall be considered in the court at the location of the Operator.
12.5. The use of the Platform is regulated by the Agreement and the Privacy Policy posted on the Platform. The use of some functions of the Platform may be regulated by other documents, besides the Agreement. Before using such functions, the User shall study the documents regulating the use of such functions, and accept the terms of such documents.
12.6. By starting to use the Platform/its separate functions, by paying for the Services, or by registering, the User accepts the terms of the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions. In case the User doesn't agree with any of the provisions of the Agreement the User shall not use the Platform. In case the Operator make some changes to the Agreement which the User doesn't agree with, the User has the right to stop using the Platform/its particular functions.
12.7. If, for any reason, one or more provisions of the Agreement are declared invalid (unenforceable), this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

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